Thundercats Yr 2010/11 Episode 11 in hindi - Download Softwares, Photoshop, Premier, Edius, Resources, News, Videos

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Thundercats Yr 2010/11 Episode 11 in hindi

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When in the Forest of Magi Oar, the Thundercats send WilyKit, WilyKat and Snarf to search for firewood. After they return, they start a fire and lay down to rest. Lion-O confronts Tygra on his frustrations with the Sword of Omens not working. Tygra then implies that Lion-O is not the right person for the sword and shows his jealousy towards Lion-O's confrontations with Cheetara. Lion-O throws a piece of firewood into the fire that releases several assumingly evil spirits around them. After the Thundercats cannot defeat them, they meet the Wood Forgers, who have a talent of using paper magic in combat. The Wood Forgers led by Zigg lead them back to their home where they have a School of Paper Arts and a paper mill. They tell Lion-O of a monster bird known as Viragor. The Thundercats come to their aid when the Forest of Magi Oar is threatened by Viragor, and Cheetara loses her staff to the monster. Lion-O gets captured by the monster and abandons the Sword of Omens. Viragor then explains to Lion-O that he has protected the forest for decades and the Wood Forgers are slowly destroying the forest. He also learns that he couldn't use his sword against the spirits because it can only be used to defeat evil, suggesting that the spirits were friendly. Lion-O returns on Viragor to tell the rest of the Thundercats the truth, much to the Wood Forgers' disappointment. They then begin to fight, and after a few minutes, Lion-O and Viragor crash into the forest. Lion-O finally regains use of his sword and defeats Zigg. Viragor also makes Cheetara a new staff out of Magi Oar wood. Lion-O then uses "Sight beyond Sight" and finally locates the stone's next location.

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