Pokemon Black and White - 17 - Scraggy-Hatched to Be Wild [720p][Hindi] - Download Softwares, Photoshop, Premier, Edius, Resources, News, Videos

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Pokemon Black and White - 17 - Scraggy-Hatched to Be Wild [720p][Hindi]

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While on the way to Castelia City, Ash, Iris, and Cilan rest for a while when Axew notifies the others that the Pok�mon Egg Ash got earlier is about to hatch. They remove it from the container. Iris tells Axew that he will "soon be a big brother". In his excitement, Axew accidentally knocks the egg down a hill, but Pikachu catches it before it hits a rock. It soon hatches into the Molting Pok�mon Scraggy, and it Leers at Pikachu before trying a Headbutt and misses. Ash decides to help train Scraggy by having it fight his other Pok�mon, but Scraggy keeps being rude and failing at various attacks against Pidove, Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott, making Scraggy unsure of itself and not wanting to be kept in the Pok� Ball. Elsewhere, Pierce directs Team Rocket to bring the meteorite they stole to a lab for study. During the night, Scraggy wanders off and is attacked by several Galvantula, leaving it Paralyzed. Iris and Axew gather herbs to heal it, and Axew finds the herb. The next morning, after Scraggy feels better once more, it wanders off into the forest to fight the Galvantula again, but with the others' help, Scraggy is saved. Later, after Scraggy gets in a fight with Iris's Axew, she and Ash decide that Scraggy should have a new fight, resulting in a draw after the two collide with each other and pass out. After Ash consoles Scraggy, Scraggy finally agrees to enter its Pok� Ball.

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