History of China Complete | China from Disaster to Economic Power | Dekho Suno Jano - Download Softwares, Photoshop, Premier, Edius, Resources, News, Videos

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History of China Complete | China from Disaster to Economic Power | Dekho Suno Jano

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History of China Complete | China from Disaster to Economic Power | Dekho Suno Jano

#HistoryOfChina is a series by #DekhoSunoJano pesented by Muhammad Usama Ghazi. This series explores various questions about China. 1. How China became a great economic and military power 2. What was the Chinese revolution and who was Mao Zedong? 3. Why China Joined the Korean war and how the US and China became good friends? 4. What is the South China Sea dispute and how Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and other countries are involved in this? For more historic lectures, biographies and documentaries subscribe our channel Dekho Suno Jano.
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